Why bitterness arise in marriage relationship?


Why bitterness arise in marriage relationship?

Marriage problems Aug 5, 2021 No Comments

There can be many reasons for bitterness in marital relationships. Many such problems are seen in married life. When there is bitterness in married life and the married life of both husband and wife becomes very tense. It is said that husband and wife are two wheels of a cart and they have to walk in balance in life. If there is a lack of mutual understanding between husband and wife and both are not helping each other to move forward, then the wheel of their marital life can shake.

Causes of stress in married life

Lose Interest In Each Other

Psychologists believe that the reason for bitterness in married life is not only due to fight, but also less interest in each other affects married life. In fact the beauty and fitness of the wife to the husband and the husband to the wife are status symbols and they want to see each other beautiful among the crowd.


After marriage, responsibilities increase, for which both husband and wife need each other’s cooperation. But it is often seen that most of the married people fail to fulfill their responsibilities properly by availing love spells.

Because Of Bitterness

After marriage, the lives of both men and women change and both have high expectations from each other. For example, if the girl is not able to adjust with the boy’s family members and the boy is also dependent on others for every work and is not able to live up to the expectations of the girl, then it is natural to have bitterness in married life by consulting astrologer in india.

Lack Of Friendship

It is said that in order to understand each other, it is necessary to become friends of each other before becoming husband and wife. If husband and wife consider and understand each other as friends, then everything goes well and the marital relationship also gets stronger. But if they have more ego and they forget their friendship and do not forgive each other’s mistake for a long time, then the relationship starts to deteriorate.

Due To Conflict In The House

It is often seen that marital life is also affected due to discord in the family. There comes a situation when the husband is neither able to take the side of the mother nor that of the wife. In this turmoil, he becomes more irritable and slowly starts moving away from his wife.

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